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TBC Church Fast for the New Year of 2024

In times of preparation, growth, development, and even spiritual warfare, fasting is one of
the key elements. Prayer, daily meditation (through the reading of God’s word) are strongly
encouraged during the fast. Fasting purifies the body as well as cleanses the soul. Jesus
instructed the disciples in Matthew 17:21, when they were attempting to cast out a demon that
“This kind only comes out through prayer and fasting.” Fasting does a number of things for a
human being, particularly for the Christian.

1. It will unite the corporate body of TBC in a greater and more powerful way.
2. Your denial of certain foods) during this fast, testifies of your love for God more than the
things of this world.
3. Fasting teaches you to deny and exercise power over your flesh, thereby making your
spirit man stronger.
4. Cleanses the body of old toxins and undigested food.

TBC will be on a corporate Fast for the period beginning at 6:00 AM January 8th until
January 14th ending at 12 noon. Those members of TBC who have to adhere to certain
medications and or dietary restrictions are instructed to continue with their dietary
restrictions and eat all meals that they are supposed to and should eat. However, you are
encouraged to fast from other areas of personal interest and fleshly desires such as TV, Social
Media, Etc.... during the fasting period.
Based on biblical teachings found in Daniel 10:2-3, the Daniel Diet involves: abstaining from
certain foods & meats thereby cleansing the body, soul, and spirit. The Scripture reads: "In
those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine
came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were
fulfilled." Though the diet has restrictions based on Daniel's Scripture, there are a host of other
foods individuals who fast can enjoy.

Fast 2
Individuals participating in the Daniel Diet can indulge in a variety of fruits, including grapes,
oranges, apples, blueberries, raisins, peaches, strawberries, bananas, and cantaloupe. Eat fruit
fresh from the produce section, frozen, dried, or canned. You can even use juice for them.
Vegetables are chock-full of nutrients that help increase energy, promote growth and
development, and nourish the body. The Daniel Diet encourages participants to consume a
variety of vegetables. Similarly to fruits consumed through the Daniel Fast, vegetables can be
canned, fresh, juiced, dried or frozen. Try vegetables such as eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, carrot,
and spinach. You can even enjoy a veggie burger, as soy is allowed on the Daniel Fast.
LEGUMES (Beans):
The Daniel Fast promotes enjoying canned or dried legumes. Everything from pinto beans and
white beans to kidney beans and peas are acceptable.
Cashews, sunflower seeds, and peanut butter can help you add variety to the Daniel Fast.
Incorporate nuts and seeds as snacks in between meals.
Enjoy brown rice, rice cakes, whole wheat pasta and oats.
High quality oils are included as an essential part of the Daniel Fast and can help add flavor to
whole grains and vegetables. Oils such as olive, grape seed, vegetable, and peanut are accepted,
along with others.
Soft drinks, alcohol, tea, and coffee are not allowed as a part of the Daniel Diet. Water and 100%
juices are the only beverages fast participants are encouraged to drink. All water should be pure,
distilled or spring water.
The Daniel Diet allows participants to eat tofu and soy products. Additionally, the use of
products such as vinegar, salt, herbs, spices, and other seasonings. Add these items to whole
grains, vegetables and even fruits to diversify the flavors.
Please remember, this fast is Holy unto the Lord and should be taken seriously at all
times. It is YOUR responsibility to give an account to God for your participation in the fast. This
fast will cleanse the body both spiritually and physically. Use this time of fasting for prayer,
scripture reading and daily dialogue with the Lord.
Your participation is important.
Let’s all be on one accord! You can do it! WE CAN DO IT!

Dr. Byron L. Battle Sr.
    Senior Pastor
Need a copy of the 2024 Daniel Fast to keep with you? No worries we’ve got you covered.  Click the button below to download a copy!